Sunday Celebration

Sunday 14th June 2020

Jubilee Church Teesside | Sun, 14th Jun 2020

Good Morning!

You can join in our Sunday Celebration from here, on Facebook Live from 10:30am or from our YouTube Channel.

Thanks so much for joining us.

Today's Talk

Watch today's talk from Simon.

Time to Pray

We would love to give you an opportunity to respond to what was shared this morning. If you are watching this with your children, encourage them to get involved with the prayer response too.

  • Thank Jesus for his life given for you and me so that by faith we could be declared righteous.
  • Are there ways you've been looking to be righteous through your own efforts or actions? Confess that to Jesus. He is faithful to forgive!
  • What are God's promises that you're believing for today? Is it about a family member, a job situation, something else? Choose to trust in Jesus and delight yourself in Him and His faithfulness. 
  • Pray that others you know would come to know Jesus and put their faith/trust in Him.

For Children

These activities are great even if you're not a child. They really are helpful for all ages!


Watch this short 60 second video for little ones to hear about Abel.

Watch this video which is the story of Abel and Cain in song.

Memory Verse

Hebrews 11:4

'By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead'.

Heroes Cards 

Each week we'll give you 'Hebrews Heroes' cards to cut out and keep so that you can learn the memory verses! Here are Abel and Enoch!


You will need: a bowl of water, paperclips, washing up liquid.

This experiment is a picture of Peter's faith, walking on the water (Matthew 14: 22-33). Like Peter we need to rest on and look to Jesus to have faith. Sometimes we may doubt and feel our faith is wavering, so we need to lift our eyes to Him again.

Abel gave his offering in faith, trusting in the Lord and looking to Him. 

Prayer - Dear Lord, help us to rest in, depend upon you, and look to you in faith.  When we are finding it hard to have faith, Lord, pour out your Spirit on me, and help me to lift my eyes to you again. Amen

What does Abel's faith look like?

Worship is pleasing to God when it is an “outward expression of a devoted and obedient heart...  Abel’s ultimate vindication of faith is a future hope held with confidence in God.”   When we worship God, in faith, He sees our heart and is pleased. (from: New International Encyclopaedia of Bible Characters: The Complete Who's Who in the Bible on Abel page 4-5)

Compare Cain, Abel, Enoch, Jesus

Make a happy/sad face on a stick. Draw a happy face on one circle of card.  Draw a sad face on a circle the same size and stick/tape to a lolly stick (or use a strip of card from a cereal box folded in two, to strengthen).  Or draw faces on either side of a paper plate/circle of card.

The happy face means a heart that loves God, and wants to please Him.  And God being happy in response.  
The sad face means a heart that thinks more of oneself than God.  And God being sad in response.  

Look at this table which compares Cain, Abel, Enoch and Jesus. 

  • What did Cain's heart look like when he brought an offering to God? Happy or sad?
  • What was God's response to Cain's offering? Happy or sad?
  • What did Abel's heart look like as he brought an offering to God? Happy or sad?
  • What was God's response to Abel's offering?  Happy or sad?
  • What did Enoch's heart look like towards God?  Happy or sad? 
  • What was God's response to Enoch's heart?  Happy or sad?
  • What is the difference in the consequence of Abel's death, and of Jesus death?
  • Enoch walked with God. A question to think about: Are we walking with God? (Do we believe Him? Do we take Him at His Word (the Bible)? Do we do what God tells us to do? Do we please God?)

Want to know more about want it means to become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian is about following Jesus and starting a friendship with him. Watch this short video below which explains more.

We also love Alpha here at Jubilee! For more about our Alpha course which started on Monday 8th June click here. It's not too late to join us for it! If you want to watch the first session of Alpha click here.

You can also contact us if you'd like to talk with someone about becoming a Christian or just want to know more!

Want to Give?

We know that a number of you give on a Sunday morning through the collection. There's still an opportunity to give through our giving page. Alternatively you can find all the details there to make a gift through your bank.

Stay in touch

More than ever, this is a time to encourage, support and pray for each other. Please do contact those people you know or that might need extra help. If you want to contact one of the leadership team, use the contact us page and one of us will be in touch.

If you're new to Jubilee, we're super-excited you could join us today. Feel free to contact us if you'd like more information and do join us again next week!

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Sunday 14th June 2020
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Jubilee Church Teesside