Sunday Celebration

Sunday 5th July

Jubilee Church Teesside | Sun, 5th Jul 2020

Good Morning!

You can join in our Sunday Celebration from here, on Facebook Live from 10:30am or from our YouTube Channel.

Thanks so much for joining us. You can join in today's time together in the video below. We're so excited to have John Hosier speaking to us today!

Time to Pray

We would love to give you an opportunity to respond to what was shared this morning. If you are watching this with your children, encourage them to get involved with the prayer response too.

  • Remind yourself of the promises of God and pray them out. What promises from the Bible can you pray out? Are there prophetic promises you're holding on to right now?
  • What are you dreaming of/longing for, as we come out of this lockdown time? Pray about these. Nothing is impossible for the Lord!

For Children


Watch this video about Sarah being promised a son.

If you're on a phone or tablet and the video doesn't play, try clicking here.

In Genesis 17, The Lord had visited Abraham and promised a son to him and Sarah.  He responded with a laugh of astonishment, but he has faith that the Lord will do what He has promised.  

In Genesis 18 (see video) the Lord visited Abraham with two other visitors. He promised a son to Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18:10. Sarah responds with a laugh of disbelief. She knew that her body was past childbearing age. It seems she had grown weary of waiting for God’s promise to be fulfilled.   Her faith had grown dull. The Lord provoked her to have renewed faith when He said, "is anything too hard for the Lord?"


Sing this song together, based on the question asked to Sarah, 'Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Experiment - Clean a penny with ketchup!

What you need: 1 penny/2 penny coin that is dull; tomato ketchup; vinegar; and a bowl.

Put 2 teaspoons of ketchup and 2 teaspoons of vinegar into the bowl and mix.  Put the coin into the bowl and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse the coin.

What does the coin look like now?

When the Lord visited Sarah in Genesis 18, she laughed out of disbelief when He said she would have a baby very soon. She knew that her body was past childbearing age. Yet she is remembered as a woman of faith! How did she change into a woman of faith? The Lord challenged her when He asked, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:14. It seems that this event renewed her faith to believe that God could do the miracle He promised. The coin was dull, but now it has renewed brightness.  Sarah faith was dull and changed to a bright renewed faith!

For more on cleaning pennies, watch this video!

Memory Verse

Is anything to hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14


On the coin theme – draw your own coin with the memory verse. 

There are two methods below: one using cardboard; one using a paint app on the computer or phone.

If you are using cardboard, find some card from packaging such as a cereal box, with a grey or brown colour on the inside. You will also need: something round to draw round about 10 cm diameter (such as a standard size roll of Sellotape, or muller rice pudding pot!), scissors, grey/silver pencil pen or brown/gold pencil/pens. 

Plan your coin first: draw/imagine a line running through the coin horizontally.  Write ‘IS ANYTHING TOO HARD’ curved around the top half.  Write ‘FOR THE LORD? GENESIS 18:14’ curved around the bottom half (see photo below). 

For the picture of Sarah: start with a circle for the baby’s head with two dots for eyes(bottom half in the middle); add an oval for the baby’s body; then a circle around the baby for a womb.  Draw an oval around the womb for Sarah’s body; and a circle on top for the head.  Add arms, legs, hair and a face for Sarah. Label her ‘Sarah’.  

If you are using the paint app, you can use the oval/circle shapes to draw the body!  Use dark grey for writing and picture.  Use light grey colour to fill the coin and light brown for background (see photo below).  

Adapt as desired!


Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you that you give us faith to believe in you and your promises.  Please would you help me to grow in faith, believing that you will do what you have promised.  Where my faith has grown dull, please would you renew my faith and make it bright again.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

Want to know more about want it means to become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian is about following Jesus and starting a friendship with him. Watch this short video below which explains more.

We also love Alpha here at Jubilee! For more about our Alpha course which started in June click here. If you want to watch the first session of Alpha click here.

You can also contact us if you'd like to talk with someone about becoming a Christian or just want to know more!

Want to Give?

We know that a number of you give on a Sunday morning through the collection. There's still an opportunity to give through our giving page. Alternatively you can find all the details there to make a gift through your bank.

Stay in touch

More than ever, this is a time to encourage, support and pray for each other. Please do contact those people you know or that might need extra help. If you want to contact one of the leadership team, use the contact us page and one of us will be in touch.

If you're new to Jubilee, we're super-excited you could join us today. Feel free to contact us if you'd like more information and do join us again next week!

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Jubilee Church Teesside