Sunday Celebration

Sunday 10th May 2020

Jubilee Church Teesside | Sun, 10th May 2020

Good Morning!

Thanks so much for joining us. Our time of worship is in the same video as the welcome and follows on after Raj.

Today's Talk

Watch today's talk from our guest Jeremy Simpkins!

Time to Pray

We would love to give you an opportunity to respond to what was shared this morning. If you are watching this with your children, encourage them to get involved with the prayer response too.

  • Pray that your roots would continue to down deep into Jesus and that we would all know a sense of fruitfulness during this time.
  • Pray that like Joseph, you'd be able to show God's mercy and kindness to others and to point them to the goodness of God in all things.
  • Pray that we, and other churches would be like that fruitful vine that by the power of the Holy Spirit goes over the wall, into a world that longs for hope.
  • Continue to pray for the situation in Teesside, the UK and around the world.

Want to know more about want it means to become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian is about following Jesus and starting a friendship with him. Watch this short video below which explains more.

We also love Alpha here at Jubilee! For more about Alpha click here. If you want to watch the first session of Alpha click here.

You can also contact us if you'd like to talk with someone about becoming a Christian or just want to know more!

For Children

Jeremy used this verse from Genesis 49: 22 today: "Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall".

Question: What does it mean to become fruitful?
As we know God more, we grow more like Him, we grow in godly character (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control), which leads to us showing goodness to others.

The story of Joseph tells how he matured in his faith through adversity, and trusted God and obeyed him.  This song is from the animation film Joseph King of Dreams.

Question: In what way did Joseph become fruitful in his life? Read the story in Genesis 37, 39-49 or from a Children's Bible.

He said no to ungodliness; he held onto the promises God had given him; he did not grow bitter at his ill treatment from his brothers, potiphars wife etc; he worked diligently and was trustworthy; he showed compassion to the baker and the cupbearer; God gave him wisdom in being able to  interpret dreams;  and so on... and all this was before he rose to his position of importance. 

Question: What do we need to be fruitful?

A plant needs light, water, food and warmth. Watch this tme lapse video of a kidney bean seed germinating. Pray as you watch it: that we would keep growing in godly character (fruit) as we are fed and watered by the Holy Spirit.

God works in us, AND we work too. Knowing God more, Spending time with God by studying His word, and in prayer, having friendship with other Christians.  Allowing God to work in us and change us AND giving all diligence to become more like Him: choosing a life of godliness rather than ungodliness. 2 Peter 1:5-8

Question: In what ways can we be fruitful?

In our attitude, how we handle difficult situations, showing love to people who may be hard to love, showing the fruit of God to others.

Psalm 119:11 says 'Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you'. God’s word works in our hearts to change us and make us more like Him. Watch this video of how God is working in the boy's life as he chooses to trust and obey Him.

Action: Keep a visual diary for a week (and continue if you would like to): how you are feeling; how you are finding it to be like Jesus; note down when you choose to spend time with God; what you are studying in the Bible; prayers about the things you find challenging; how God is changing you; encouragement from other Christians. This will encourage you to see God at work in your life. You may wish to draw pictures, write poems, write songs, take photos, keep an audio diary etc. Be creative!

Want to Give?

We know that a number of you give on a Sunday morning through the collection. There's still an opportunity to give through our giving page. Alternatively you can find all the details there to make a gift through your bank.

Stay in touch

More than ever, this is a time to encourage, support and pray for each other. Please do contact those people you know or that might need extra help. If you want to contact one of the leadership team, use the contact us page and one of us will be in touch.

If you're new to Jubilee, we're super-excited you could join us today. Feel free to contact us if you'd like more information and do join us again next week!

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